martedì 26 aprile 2011

Ancestors calling?

Sto leggendo - condiviso con la cara Maria Pia - di J.Hillman "Il codice dell'anima" Adelphi, Milano 2009; ed ecco che: 

"[...] Lesego Mangwanyane is watching the ceremony. She is a young journalist from SAFM radio and is sceptical of the sangoma, but as the drum beats she begins to feel uneasy. Lately she has had bad dreams and visions and is worried that they could represent a call to become a healer. "I'm afraid that the ancestors are calling me and I want them to leave me alone so I can get on with my life in the 21st Century." [...]"
E mi domando se la preghiera della giovane Lesego agli antenati: "lasciatemi vivere la mia vita nel XXI. Secolo" sia poi così saggia.

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